FOCS 2013 workshops

Continuing the tradition of recent FOCS/STOC conferences, FOCS 2013 will have a workshop-and-tutorials day on Saturday, October 26, immediately preceding the main conferences. Chris Umans and I are the workshop chairs. We invite researchers to submit workshop or tutorial proposals. This is an opportunity to expose the FOCS audience to your favorite topic. The proposal is relatively light-weight – no more than 2 pages – so Chris and I encourage you to start thinking of ideas for great workshops/tutorials at FOCS.  The proposal submission deadline is August 15. See the details here: FOCS-2013-workshops-call

Additionally, if you have thoughts on topics for workshops/tutorials you would like to see at FOCS, but do not consider yourself an organizer, feel free to send them to Chris and me. We’ll do our best to find organizers.

Simons Institute Symposium on Visions for the Theory of Computing

The Simons Institute held an inspiring Symposium on Visions for the Theory of Computing at the end of May.  You can read a summary of the talks by Christos Papadimitriou and watch videos of the presentations.