Women in TCS Profiles

Are you trying to form a committee or panel or invite speakers for a TCS event, but cannot find enough women? Look no further. This spreadsheet contains the profiles of 100+ women TCS researchers spanning many subareas of TCS; countries; universities and research institutions; and career stages.

The spreadsheet is password protected. The password is a case-sensitive five letter phrase that captures the most iconic (but as yet unsolved) problem in TCS.

The spreadsheet was made possible through the efforts of Yusu Wang and Kira Goldner. We have full permission of the participants to have their information shared publicly.

Would you like your information added to or corrected on the spreadsheet? If so, fill out this Google form. Any edits will be verified and posted to the spreadsheet within 3-4 weeks.


  1. Sophie Huiberts says:

    I tried to access the xlsx file, but my computer tells me that it is password-protected. Is this intended?